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I'm Back & Let's Catch Up

I'm Back & Let's Catch Up

Hope you are all well. So it's official I am back, I have not blogged in over a month. It feels much longer than that. I am sorry for this also. I will be explaining why and whats been going on in little detail later on in the blog post. However right now it just feels great to be back behind my desk typing on my laptop again with my dog under my desk ripping my sock to pieces. haha! 

This is going to be a chilled blog post, so make sure your in your comfy's and go grab yourself a cup of tea and lets begin.

Let's address the elephant in the room first and foremost and as to why I haven't been blogging for so long. On my latest blog post I posted The Importance Of Self Care. I guess for me life got way way ahead of me over the last month or so. I have been feeling very stressed and overwhelmed. With out going into to much detail I didn't realise life was ahead of me and I needed to take a step back.